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I'm Fine

This project explored how we vocalise ourselves through language, with a particular emphasis on text. I looked at how as a society we don't  often describe how we truly feel to one another. We find it easier to mask what we feel rather than discuss. We can do this by using words that can have multiple contexts, depending on how it is said/ written. Usually it is far easier to tell what someone is feeling when you hear it directly from them, you can observe their body language, tone of voice, facial expression and so on. Whereas in written form, you have none of these indications, we can only go of what the words say, how they are written and how they look visually which could be font, size, colour and so on. This project focuses on opening up a visual dialogue between words and how we respond to them, why does formatting something in a different way change our perspective on it entirely. This is similar to if we say something sarcastically, we can easily interpret what the person is saying, even though the words would usually mean the opposite.  The main phrase I explored throughout this project is “Im Fine”

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